English subcommittee of the TCEMF

Our next monthly ministerial fellowship meeting is on Wednesday May 1st, 2024

How many times have you come across a topic where you find out "They didn't  teach this in seminary" or "How come I didn't learn about this in High school?"

Our May topic is a familiar one but it probably one of the most difficult subjects to discuss, Finances And Stewardship.  We all assume that we know about it, but we constantly struggle with it as we see the low numbers in our offering stats and may not even be aware of the large discrepancies with income and giving.  This month we will look at how we can measure our own personal financial situation and how to approach this topic with our congregations.

Date & Time: Wednesday, May 1st, 10 am to 12 noon

Location:  Scarborough Chinese Baptist Church (3223 Kennedy Road, Toronto)  

Lunch will take place at the basement gym right after fellowship (Cost is $10 per person).  

Please stay for lunch and networking.

Please send an email to, before Monday, April  29th, if you are planning to join us via ZOOM for the zoom link. 

Upcoming meetings:

June 5th Pastoral Imagination (special guest: Rev. Dr. Sarah Han)

July 3rd Hiking (TBA)


Location: Scarborough Chinese Baptist Church [map]